Monday 6 May 2013

Samson didn't know this, but Delilah did.

Do you know your biggest weakness? Did you also know that its also the source of your greatest power and strength.
For Samson, it was his hair (or more likely the feeling of power that he got from looking good). When Delilah removed his hair, he lost his mojo, his self -belief and his strength and power as a result. His belief of himself as a powerful man was so intertwined with his self-image, that when he lost his hair, his strength went with it.
I wonder whether had some-one had complemented him & handed him a mirror to admire his new look, whether he might have felt so despondent. Besides, who really looks good with a mullet anyway? (Except perhaps Billy Ray Cyrus).
So what is your biggest weakness? Is it your family?
  • A parent who never really encourages your potential?
  • A sick child?
  • A lacklustre career?
  • A lack of money to start that 'dream project'?
  • Or a spouse (or sibling or boss) who just doesn't 'get' you?
Do you realise that these are exactly the things that are your most powerful motivators?
Could it be that the very things that you think are holding you back, are in fact the very source of a deep well-spring of powerful motivation?
The difference is only in how you think about it, isn't it?

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