Monday 13 May 2013

Is distance the answer to pain?

Difficulty and challenge are often the cause of people distancing them selves from others, in an effort to either avoid confronting, or seeking perspective from the problem.

Being too close to a problem causes us to seek perspective, which distance can do. The problem with this approach, is that if your vision is clouded, you can move away too far from the problem to see it clearly, and therefore come to a solution, or even an acceptance that it just 'is'.

That perspective that we seek can also be found another way -through the eyes and wisdom of another.

Which requires 3 things.

The first is trust. Trust that another has your best interests at heart, and knows you well enough to guide you, using your highest self, to an answer that you are seeking.

The second is wisdom. Without themselves having experienced that which you are afflicted, and therefore understanding all the elements of the journey you are to face, what you may end up with is some-one's opinion. The difference between the 2 - like sour milk - isnt often readily obvious. Its only after you've tasted the outcome, that it is readily discernable. And then you wished you hadn't.

The answer may therefore be in a completely opposite approach to moving away from something. The answer is in the 3rd all-encompassing element - connection.

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