Sunday 26 May 2013

How do you turn an idea into a business?

Are you awash with ideas? Is your mind litterally swimming in a soup of opportunities & possibilities? Of apps & products & businesses & services & solutions to problems not yet solved?

Then you aren't alone. There are literally thousands of people just like you -they imagine a bigger, brighter, better world after they fix this 'thing' that needs to be fixed. If only someone would.

And yet the problem is still there -staring at you -waiting to be fixed. So why don't you fix it?
What is stopping you? Get out your pen & paper -right now. Put the problem down on paper. Write it out - who does this problem hinder? How could it be solved? Who has tried before? Why did they fail? How could it be done better? How could you reach them?

Don't write code or a business plan - describe the problem, the customer & how your solution helps them. Then find 10 people like the customer, (on the phone or over coffee) and ask them about this problem. Don't tell them about the solution- just discuss the problem. If it's a real problem that is solvable with your solution, you'll know soon enough.

What's stopping you?

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