Wednesday 2 April 2014

Do you LOVE what you do?

I truly believe that if something isn't fun, or that you can't make it fun, or at least have fun doing it (what ever it is), then you probably shouldn't be doing it. 

In fact, you should do something, anything else. 

We spend so much time doing 'something' as a profession, career or vocation; why not make it significant, engaging, and enjoyable?

Of course, for some people, doing something that isn't fun, is often about money, or other reasons; a means to an end, keeping up appearances, meeting others' expectations, or climbing a ladder. 

But I'm not speaking to that audience. I talking to those of you who are seeking your life's purpose; doing your 'thing', which will lead you to a life of significance & meaning. 

In seeking to achieve that through startup success, if you have a partner, there is something that you absolutely must do before, during & after your startup. You have an obligation to bring that person 'with you' on the journey. 

First and foremost, aren't you building something so that you and your partner can have a better life together? So why wouldn't you want to share the highs and lows?
Celebrate the successes? Share in the learning?

After all, if it really is all about the journey, isn't it also about who you share that journey with? 

I was married for many years to a very fearful person. Her main expression was 'There's no fun until the work is done'. And this is not an uncommon attitude. There are many people in the world who cannot 'let go', who have to own the process & micro manage it to its conclusion before they can relax. 

And yet, that holds them back from obtaining a state of 'flow', a positive, inspiring state of creativity, passion & productivity. Its exactly that state you need to get to in building a startup, where people just cant wait to engage with you. 

For reasons not relevant here, I am no longer with that person (though I harbour no resentment), but obviously there was a mis-match of psyches. This is a scarcity mentality, not one of abundance. (If you aren't sure what I mean, there are are some great books on the topic, but my favourite is 'Blue Ocean Strategy').

Some-one with that sort of attitude, will probably never understand the mentality required to create a startup (whether successful or not). The ebbs & flows of the tides of our world are too strong, too overwhelming, too uncontrollable. 

So before you quit your day job to do the thing that you've always wanted to (whether a startup or something else), think about your partner, and what they need; talk with them about where you want to go, and why. And then start thinking about positive strategies to bridge any gaps. 

And if you want to give yourself the best chance of success, do this with the advice, support & guidance, of a suitably experienced coach, advisor or mentor. 

Then you can love what you do, and so will the person that you love. That, my friends, is half the battle won right there, before even a single shot has been fired. 

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